To provide recreational facilities for the residents of Whitehall Township who live in the vicinity of the Schadt Avenue District. To cultivate high ideals in the youth of the community through the use of these facilities. To nurture the physical and emotional growth of the youth of Whitehall
It will be the intent of this organization to encourage and actively promote good sportsmanship, leadership, discipline, and respect among the team members, parents, and coaches and provide a drug-and alcohol-free environment for our youth.
We will be hosting teams for:
Girls: K to 18U
Boys: K to Knee-hi
Our Midget / Knee Hi teams are currently full. Call or email to be put on a waitlist
Girls- Eastern PA Girls Softball League
Boys- CWL
The 2024 Fall Season fees :
First Player in Family : $100
Second Player in Family: $85
Third Player in Family : $50
If there are any questions please contact the individuals listed below.